Saturday, April 30, 2016
The only way to grow in life is to ask questions. When you are having a bad time, instead of being a victim of it, try asking questions - to yourself.
Asking the right questions can save your life.
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Warren Buffet Duet with Jon Bon Jovi
This man, Warren Buffet is a legend. He did some legendary stuffs.
Billionaire by investing in stocks. His wealth is around 67 Billion dollars, which is an average GDP of some countries.
Pledged to give away 99% of his wealth to the needed; and got other billionaires to give away 50% of their net worth.
Eats like a six year old every day with Coca Cola and burgers. When doctors said - either a better diet or exercise; he choose exercise.
Defeated prostate cancer.
When I thought that a man can't get more awesome; here comes a video where he does a duet with Bon Jovi. Freaking awesome!
Check out the video:
Warren Buffet is like : "It's my life - it's now or never!"
Stay Awesome guys!
Friday, April 15, 2016
Beautiful World
To amass great wealth, you should be generous.
Wealth, not rich. Wealthy is what you want to become.
It's not just about money. It's about understanding your life, finding meaning to it.
If you are kind to mankind, to the world - if you are humble enough to see past haters and backlashes, you would see a beautiful world. A world where you can truly become a part of it existence.
The scary part of universe is that it is indifferent. It does not stop you from doing thing nor does it show you signs to better your life. You do it because you want to do it. You as a human being has gift of life.
Please don't get caught up in the cob webs of life. Realize that we owe our life to others. We can make thier life better. Through diligent thinking and working hard.
Believe in the greater good. With all its imperfections., negativity and drudgery; our world is still beautiful.
And it is worth living for it.
Chan CK
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Space X Shuttle lands in Sea
This is the first time Space X has successfully pulled of a water landing.
Check out the video below:
This is an incredible achievement for Space X. As told in the video, an efficient fleet of shuttles can be made pushing us to be effective.
We as humans tend to do incredibly when we are pushed. Space X as a company needed to innovate and by this far they have done an incredible job.
Congratulations Space X.
Friday, April 8, 2016
Tesla Cars
I like Tesla Cars. They are not just cool cars with electric batteries, incredible speed and awesome features; they also helps our planet earth.
Global warming is a real threat. It's here and real. But we humans tend to believe what's only in front of us. So you don't realize how global warming because it doesn't effect you - yet . That's unfortunate.
Fortunately, there are people who understand the explications of Global Warming. Once such person is Elon Musk.
I am a huge fan of Elon Musk. He understands how world works. And he's an entrepreneur.
He wants to eradicate global warming. Global warming is a huge problem that requires every individual in the planet to change the way of life. Main reason for global warming is Carbon dioxide emission. They are produced mainly by internal combustion engines in cars.
If we are to save the planet, we need to change the internal combustion engines. Why not run the car in battery and motor? But these electric cars are perceived to be slow and boring. There is no excitement in owning an electric car. I'd be rather sticking up with my Toyota.
So first, before even an efficient car is built; the perception towards electric cars should be changed.
And thus Tesla went on to built a sports car first - a badass car.
Thier first car was Tesla Roadster in 2010. Price was $ 110,00. In 5 years they sold 2,450 cars.
It's fast, cool and awesome. Change of perception began. Electric cars were cool for first time.
Then they went on to create Model S (2012) and Model X (2015). Just amazing cars for a broader market. Still costly though - $80,000. In 3 years they sold over 100,000 units.
These cars spread the word world over. People were like" Tesla cars are cool. They are awesome.They have doors that looks like falcon wing". Tesla as a brand began to be recognized as equivalent Apple computers. After all, Tesla was thinking different.
And finally, Model 3 was released for $35,000. 250,000 pre orders came in 3 days.
Changing perception worked.
Remember that, in spite of being a billionaire and still able to make billions of dollars in mere 3 days; Elon Musk's and his teams goal is to save our planet. That is real business.
Getting people to know each other, creating values and making magic- that's the essence of business.
I am truly great-full for Tesla company for trying to save our world. I will do what I can. You should too.